When do I need to see a doctor about knee pain?

When do I need to see a doctor about knee pain?
Because your knees take a toll every day, absorbing shock with each and every step, get in to have your knee looked at as soon as you feel pain. You don’t want your conditions to get any worse. It’s important to make an appointment if you experience:
- Popping, scarping, or crunching noises
- Redness and swelling
- Difficulty straightening your leg
- Severe weakness
- Stiffness
- Fever, nausea, or vomiting
- Signs of a fracture
- Difficulty putting weight on your knee
What is Knee Pain?
Knee pain is a common complaint that affects men, women, and children. Sometimes it’s the result of a sports-related injury or accident, while other times, it develops due to a degenerative condition like osteoarthritis or an infection.
Most knee pain heals on its own with rest and conservative measures of care such as ice and heat therapy. However, pain that persists gets worse or prevents you from participating in work or other normal activities, it may also point to a more serious health problem.
How is knee pain diagnosed?
After meeting with a case manager who will collect a complete medical history and orthopedic exam will be performed by our medical team, who will then order any necessary x-rays needed to diagnose the root cause of your pain.
Then a treatment plan will be created for you to get back to enjoying life before experiencing the knee pain that brought you in. On your second visit, a case manager will then go over the initial findings from your first visit and explain the treatment plan that has been created for you.
How is knee pain treated in our clinic?
At R2 Wellness Centers knee pain is treated in many different ways; all are conservative, noninvasive with a holistic approach.
If you’re experiencing mild to moderate knee pain the team may recommend a hyaluronic acid injection along with our functional rehab program to help retrain your muscles to better support your knees.
For more information on how we treat knee pain, call us at R2 Wellness Centers or use our online tool to book our New Patient Special.
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