Do I really need custom orthotics?

How will I know if custom orthotics are right for me?
In our clinic when a patient comes in as a new patient, they have a consultation with our case manager and before the exam is performed by Dr. Walker, they can have their feet scanned on our Foot Levelers kiosk. Our kiosk then creates a blueprint of the patient’s feet and identifies any misalignments in their feet that may be contributing to the common ailments that they are seeking relief from our clinic. At the Report of Findings appointment, or ROF as we refer to it, our case manager will then discuss if custom orthotics are a recommended component for your treatment plan.
What is the difference between custom orthotics and shoe inserts from the store?
You have seen them at the grocery store and at the mall. You have probably even seen them on TV and online. Shoe inserts are any kind of non-prescription foot support designed to be worn inside a shoe. Pre-packaged, mass-produced, arch supports are shoe inserts. So are the “custom-made” insoles and foot supports that you can order online or at retail stores. Unless the device has been prescribed by a doctor and crafted for your specific foot, it is a shoe insert, not a custom orthotic device—despite what the ads might say.
Shoe inserts can be very helpful for a variety of foot ailments, including flat arches and foot and leg pain. They can cushion your feet, provide comfort, and support your arches, but they cannot correct biomechanical foot problems or cure long-standing foot issues.
What do custom orthotics do?
Custom orthotics are specially designed for you via foam, 3D scan, or plaster cast to align the bones in your feet to help eliminate tension in your arch and subsequently in your hips, knees, and low back. Foot Levelers custom orthotics are individually designed for your feet – helping achieve a balanced foundation and stabilized pelvis. Our custom orthotics are handmade for your unique feet based on 3D scans or casts, and our medical teams’ exam.
Who needs custom orthotics?
Having foot mechanics that are compromised or suboptimal may lead to you having some of the following conditions:
- Arch Pain
- Foot Pain
- Back or Knee Pain
- Bunions
- Hammertoes
Custom foot orthotics can help manage any of these conditions and along with the recommended rehabilitation program can help reduce and eliminate many of the conditions our patients come into our clinic with.
How do orthotics work?
The custom orthotics we recommend to our patients are Foot Levelers and they have a three arch support that is designed to help retrain the tendons and bones that make up your feet and support your kinetic chain. The graphic below demonstrates how this unique system works.
Our custom orthotics are designed to provide both the instant “ah” factor that Dr. Schooll's and over-the-counter insoles like to market, as well as the actually needed support for your arches that will relieve pain now and prevent pain later by compensating for all your weakened arches to correct your posture.
It is important to remember that no orthotic, OTC or custom, is designed to permanently change someone’s foot. However, custom orthotics are designed specifically for an individual’s body and used to:
- stabilize a joint
- reduce pain
- prevent deformity
- adjust posture and positioning
- and improve the function of the foot
In most cases, custom orthotics address a combination of the above list. A sufficient OTC solution does not exist to provide these benefits. It is not possible to purchase an OTC insole that is designed specifically for an individual’s body. It is possible to get a custom orthotic that will relieve your discomfort, help your body operate efficiently, and save you stress and money over time.
Will my insurance cover custom orthotics?
Although some health plans will help you pay for these braces, supports, and other devices, many will not. Many patients use their flex spending account to cover what their insurance will not.
How long will my orthotics last?
Typically, high-quality prescription orthotics last between two to three years. Custom orthotics are designed to withstand wear and tear from standing and walking but using them daily will inevitably result in damage over time. Keep in mind it is recommended to order different orthotics for daily wear and athletic activities.
If you would like to find out if custom orthotics are right for you call the office or use our convenient online booking feature to schedule your appointment to have your feet scanned today.
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